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Simproc, Simulator Software of Crop Producivity and Requeriments

The SIMPROC model (Santibañez, 2001) was developed and validated by the author to simulate the productivity of several annual crops (wheat, maize, barley, potato, tomato, sugar beet, oat, bean and rice). This model is designed as a high performance tool in the assessment of climate change impacts on cultivated species’ behavior. Input data required by the SIMPROC model has high plasticity, working with different time steps (daily, weekly and monthly) depending on the required time resolution of the results. Another advantage of the model is its iterative concept, running all through the year, providing information on crop productivity and water consumption for different sowing dates. Additionally, this model was designed for a large number of simulations with relatively little input data making simulations possible over vast regions of the globe.

Simproc Model

Simproc Manual
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